About Us – Meet our Board of Directors

President – Olga Williams


During her stint as President of RAHS, Olga has come to appreciate her forty years of teaching experience, most of which were spent in adult education.  The position of President is a multi-faceted one, requiring leadership capability, which includes being able to encourage others to value their own skills and to contribute them to the group effort. 

Vice President – Ken Salo


One of the founders of RAHS, Ken has remained active, often serving as an officer. His extensive knowledge of the area and love of research have been invaluable to the Society. He co-authored the first two RAHS publications with Jim Kippola and they also directed the Historical Panel Project at the Welcome Center in North Republic. 

Treasurer – Faye Mattila



A Former treasurer for the Township, Faye has served as RAHS Treasurer for several years, as she still does for several other local non-profits.  Her devotion to accuracy and detail is vital to the health and well-being of the Society.  

Pro Tem Secretary – LaVerne Antilla

A founding member, LaVerne has continued her faithful service to RAHS. She has regularly written for local historical publications. LaVerne records obituaries and contributions to Pascoe House Museum and is the Society’s resource for those doing genealogy on Republic families.

Trustee – Marilyn Helmila

Our monthly socials might not take place if it weren’t for Marilyn. Fortunately, she enjoys organizing them! Marilyn’s knowledge of Republic residents, past and present, is invaluable to much of what the Society tries to do.

Trustee – Jim Kippola

Jim’s contribution to RAHS is so wide-ranging it can’t be capsulized. Having long experience working for county entities, Jim connects RAHS with countless resources outside the area. He co-authored the first two RAHS publications with Ken Salo and provided essential digitized photos for those and other projects. He and Ken also directed the Historical Panel Project for the Welcome Center in North Republic.



Trustee – Nancy Forsberg
While we don’t have the benefit of Snowbird Nancy’s participation all year, we’re grateful for the time we do have her wise counsel. A former teacher, Nancy provides RAHS with writing and vital guidance on whatever issue is under consideration.